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Lives and works in Los Angeles                           


M.F.A., Photography and Media Program, California Institute of the Arts, Valencia, CA


B.F.A., concentration in photography, Tufts University, Medford, MA,

in affiliation with the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA


Solo Exhibitions


A Utopia for Some: Morningstar and Wheeler's Ranches Reconsidered, Lenzner Family Art Gallery, Pitzer College, Claremont, CA (Jan.-March)

Stories From the Revolution, Elephant, Los Angeles, CA (March)



Open Hearts, Open Land, The Edouard de Merlier Photography Gallery, Cypress College, Cypress, CA


Open Hearts, Open Land, EGHQ (Emma Gray Headquarters), Los Angeles, CA


Hertopia: An Illustrated History of the New World, Honor Fraser Gallery (project room), Los Angeles, CA


Learning By Example, The Manual Archives, Los Angeles, CA



Natural Selection, MFA Thesis Exhibition, D301 Gallery, California Institute of the Arts, Valencia, CA

Selected Group Exhibitions and Screenings


Dreams, curated by Eve Fowler, Artist Curated Projects, Los Angeles, CA


The Street and the Shop, curated by Michael Slenske, the Bradbury Building, Los Angeles, CA



Ceramics Pop-Up, curated by Eve Fowler, Cafe Quoi, Los Angeles, CA

The Street and the Shop, curated by Michael Slenske, the Bradbury Building, Los Angeles, CA


Garden, curated by Annie Wharton for Ladies Room LA, online



Ceramics Show, curated by Eve Fowler, Artist Curated Projects, Los Angeles, CA



Manifesto: A Moderate Proposal, curated by Ciara Ennis and Jennifer Vanderpool, Lenzner Family Art Gallery, Pitzer College, Claremont, CA


Focus Photo L.A., Photo L.A., LA Mart, Los Angeles


The Hippies, curated by Erin Sheffield and Sue Gary, West County Museum, Sebastopol, CA (continuing until fall 2017)

This Wicked Tongue, curated by Cindy Rehm, Charlie James Gallery, Los Angeles, CA

Focus Photo L.A. Pop-Up, Berlin Art Week, Berlin, Germany


Naked Underneath, curated by Shannon Currie-Holmes, The Brand Library and Art Center, Glendale, CA


FlatFile at Fringe, Logan Fringe Arts Space, Washington, D.C.


Anything Goes, curated by Grace Levine, Kitty Hawk Gallery, Sebastopol, CA

Sugar Rush, curated by Rhoda Coleman, En Em Art Space, Sacramento, CA


A Forest, curated by Calvin Phelps, 2A Gallery, Los Angeles, CA

Summer Social, Transformer Gallery, Washington, D.C.


Transmissions, curated by Patricia Watts, Marin Community Foundation, Novato, CA

The Wood Anniversary, curated by Jason Kunke, Elephant Gallery, Los Angeles, CA

Incognito 2013, Santa Monica Museum of Art, Santa Monica, CA



Projekt Papier 2, curated by Gosia Wojas, Zatoka Sztuki MCKA, Sopot, Poland

Projekt Papier 1, curated by Gosia Wojas, Souterrain Gallery, Berlin, Germany


Fellow Travelers, curated by ARTRA Curatorial, LA Mart, Los Angeles, CA

Incognito 2012, Santa Monica Museum of Art, Santa Monica, CA

LACE Art Auction, curated by Ciara Ennis, LACE (Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions), Los Angeles, CA



Daybreak, curated by Emma Gray, 1830 14th Street, Santa Monica, CA

Help Rebuild Cordova, curated by Calvin Phelps, Armory Center for the Arts,
Pasadena, CA


Incognito 2011, Santa Monica Museum of Art, Santa Monica, CA



Incognito 2010, Santa Monica Museum of Art, Santa Monica, CA

Alumni Show, curated by Jason Kunke, Elephant Gallery, Los Angeles, CA



Bitch is the New Black, curated by Emma Gray, Honor Fraser Gallery, Los Angeles, CA


LA 2019: Cults, Collectives & Cocooning, curated by Ciara Ennis, 18th Street

Arts Center, Santa Monica, CA (catalogue)


Artists’ Alphabet #1: The Great Recession, curated by D. Jean Hester, Project 210,

Pasadena, CA (catalogue)



LACE Art Auction, LACE (Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions), Los Angeles, CA

One Shot: 100x100, LAXART, Los Angeles, CA

Conventions and Attitudes, curated by Karen Atkinson, Remy's on Temple, Los Angeles,
CA; traveled to the Graduate Center Art Gallery, The City University of
New York, New York, NY



All-In Juried Show, curated by Lorraine Molina, Torrance Art Museum, Torrance, CA


The Collective Body, curated by Kristen Raizada, Galerie Califia, Horaždovice,

The Czech Republic


E-Ticket Ride, curated by Joanna Grasso, J Flynn Gallery, Costa Mesa, CA


(Tender) Assembly, Show Cave Gallery, Los Angeles, CA



Open Show, curated by Ann Philbin, Gallery 825, Los Angeles, CA


Captive, curated by Carol Cheh and Kristen Raizada, Gatov Galleries, California

State University, Long Beach


Baby’s All Grown Up, curated by Veronica Fernandez, Marvimon House, Los Angeles, CA


Goods to Declare - MFA International, curated by Nahum Tevet and Sandra Weil, Ben Gurion Airport, Tel Aviv, Israel (catalogue)


Super/Sonic 2006, Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery, Barnsdall Park, Los Angeles, CA


Collisions & Pileups, Armory Northwest, Pasadena, CA


Video Nightmare, video screening, RAID Projects, Los Angeles, CA



Components, D301 Gallery, California Institute of the Arts, Valencia, CA


Gendered Geographies, 1853 Arlington Gallery, Los Angeles, CA


A Haunting: International Artist’s Film & Video Screening, curated by Vicki Wheeler and Jonathan Carson, Castlefield Gallery, Manchester, UK; traveled to The Residence, London, UK


MFA Mid-Residency Show, D300 Gallery, California Institute for the Arts,Valencia, CA

& Awards 

Parent-Artist Award, Sustainable Arts Foundation, San Francisco, CA


Traveling Scholar Fellowship, School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA



Artists’ Resource for Completion (ARC) Grant, The Durfee Foundation



Juror’s Award, Open Show, Gallery 825, Los Angeles, CA


Travel Grant, The Philip And Muriel Berman Foundation



School of Art Grant, California Institute of the Arts



Selected Publications and Media


Patricia Lea Watts, Cathy Akers: Pitzer College Art Galleries and Elephant, Artillery Magazine, March 18, 2019


Sydney Walters, Cathy Akers: A Utopia for Some: Morningstar and Wheeler's Ranches Reconsidered, Art and Cake, April 4, 2019



Shana Nys Dambrot, De-skilled Ceramics: The Approachable Art Form, KCET’s Artbound, September 16, 2017


Genie Davis, We're All - Naked Underneath, Diversions LA, September 1 2016

Interview for Floorr Magazine, Issue 3,
April 29, 2016

Interview with Brainard Carey for Yale University Radio, January 6, 2016

Limited edition postcard of Pee Performace #14 (Sun Tunnels) published by Atelier
34zero Muzeum, Brussels, Belgium

Musée Magazine, Issue 13, two-page spread featuring images from the Pee Performances series of photographs,
pages 250-251, November 2015

Cover image, New Delta Art Review, Spring/Summer 2015



David John, Interview With Cathy Akers: How Much Bliss Can You Handle? YHBHS
(You Have Been Here Sometime Before) blog, June 15, 2011



Carrie Yury, Reinventing Photography: Hybrid Photographic Forms, The Huffington Post, November 22, 2010



Christopher Bedford, André Ethier and Cathy Akers, Art in America, Exhibition Reviews, February 2009


18th Street Art Center, 2009 Program Annual (exhibition catalogue), essay
and color image


D. Jean Hester, Artist’s Alphabet, contribution to artist’s book with eight
other artists, 2 color images.



Catherine Wagley, Cathy Akers, Daily, May 6, 2008


Holly Myers, Around the Galleries, Los Angeles Times, Arts & Culture, April 25, 2008


Emma Gray, Emma Gray’s Top 10 Shows in Los Angeles This Month,Saatchi Online, Daily Magazine, April 16, 2008


Ashley Tibbits, Andre Ethier and Cathy Akers, Flavorpill, April 12, 2008



Gean Moreno, Cathy Akers, Ten by Ten,, April 2007



Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Goods to Declare: MFA International
(exhibition catalogue), color image


Cathy Akers, Natalie Henderson-Alton, Lindsay Ljungkull, Caroline Maxwell and Carrie Yury, A Super/Sonic Conversation, NYArts Magazine, November/December 2006


Amra Brooks, Must See Art: Super/Sonic 2006 Part II at Los Angeles Municipal Art    Gallery, Barnsdall Art Park, LA Weekly, August 16, 2006

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