Cathy Akers
Commune Vases

2018, 12.25"H x 10.5"D x 12"L, porcelain, photocopy transfers, underglaze, and glaze. The text reads: She told me the story of the princess and the pea and how the princess could feel the pea under her stack of mattresses as she laid in bed. She explained to me that she was the princess and she had dropped out so she could understand life and not be bothered by the pea.”

2018, 12"H x 10.75"D x 9"L, porcelain, photocopy transfers, underglaze, and glaze. The text reads: “Sometimes, when we were all around the dinner table, it was fun to pretend that Lou was our father, sitting there at the head of the table, We were the mischievous children, he was the powerful, but benevolent, paterfamilias.”

2018, 11.75"H x 10"D x 9"L, porcelain, photocopy transfers, underglaze, and glaze. Text side 1: “I was down by the garden taking a shower with the hose. ‘Fuck you, bitch!’ he shouted, as his bike kicked up a cloud of dust that enveloped me.” Side 2: “Arise, oh resplendent being, thou who art forever pure, thou who art all beautiful...”

2018, 14.25"H x 13"D x 14"L, porcelain, photocopy transfers, underglaze, and glaze. Text side 1: “Her old man forced her to take a vow of silence during her pregnancy so they could have a ‘higher’ baby. She and I became friends and communicated with hand symbols and eye contact.” Text side 2: “I was in love with being pregnant, and the idea of giving birth outdoors. I felt strong, confident that my body could provide everything my baby needed.”

2017, 13”H x 6.5”D x 6.5”L, porcelain, photocopy transfers, and underglaze. The text on the vase reads: "Living at Morningstar, I realized for the first time that I could be free. Maybe I wasn't free yet--most women on the Ranch had boyfriends or husbands who expected us to fulfill our 'womanly' duties--but I saw that freedom was possible."

2017, 9"H x 13.5"D x 9.5"L, porcelain, photocopy transfers, underglaze, and glaze. The text reads: "Since we didn't have TV or go to school, we had to find ways to entertain ourselves. Any drug that was available I was willing to try. Anytime we got a hit of acid or two, we would split it up. The big kids could have half a hit and the little kids could only have a quarter hit."

2017, 10"H x 6"D x 6"L, porcelain, photocopy transfers, underglaze and acrylic paint. The text on the vase reads: "As my stomach grew bigger, I wanted more and more to be alone. One warm June evening, I took all my bedding and went to sleep in a pile of mulch. I never slept in the studio again. I have never enjoyed any house more than I enjoyed living amongst the fog, sun and plants.

2017, 9.5"H x 9"D x 8"L, porcelain, photocopy transfers, underglaze, and glaze. The text reads, "Sometimes, when we kids were bored, we took off into the woods with the clothes on our backs and maybe a pack of graham crackers. We lived on wild carrots and watercress, small birds, squirrels and sometimes moles. They were easy to catch if we hadn't taken one of the .22s with us.”

2017, 10”H x 4”D x 4”L, porcelain, photocopy transfers, underglaze and acrylic paint. The text reads: Woman- "Giving birth is a sexual experience. Instead of labor pains, I had orgasms." Man- "What a load of bullshit."

2016, 1.5"H x 8"D x 8"L, porcelain, photocopy transfers, underglaze, glaze and acrylic paint.